Reading As A Communication Skill.

Reading is indeed a fundamental communication skill. It allows individuals to comprehend and interpret written information,. Cultivating a reading habit enhances communication skills by improving vocabulary, language proficiency, comprehension, critical thinking, empathy, and overall communication effectiveness.

12/28/20234 min read

Reading as a communication skill.
Reading as a communication skill.

Reading As A Communication Skill.

Reading is indeed a fundamental communication skill. It allows individuals to comprehend and interpret written information, which is a crucial aspect of effective communication. It involves a range of cognitive processes and techniques that enable a person to make sense of written language.

Techniques To Enhance Reading Skills.

There are various techniques to enhance your reading skills:

  • Skim and Scan:

Quickly look over the text to get an overview before reading in detail.

  • Active Reading:

Take notes, underline key points, and ask questions as you read.

  • Speed Reading:

Practice techniques to increase reading speed while maintaining comprehension.

  • Summarizing:

Write a brief summary of what you've read to reinforce understanding.

  • Prioritize:

Focus on the most important parts and skim less relevant sections.

  • Break It Up:

Divide long texts into manageable chunks for better retention.

  • Read Aloud:

Reading aloud can improve comprehension and retention.

  • Use Technology:

E-books and apps often have features to aid reading comprehension.

  • Practice:

Regular reading and deliberate practice will improve your skills over time.

  • Stay Focused:

Minimize distractions and find a quiet place to read.

Remember that the best technique may vary depending on your goals and the type of material you're reading.

Significance Of Reading As A Communication Skill.

Reading is a communication skill in several ways:

  • Receiving Information:

When you read, you are receiving information and messages that authors have written. It's a passive form of communication, where you are the receiver of someone else's thoughts and ideas. Reading helps individuals gather information from various sources, such as books, articles, websites, and documents.

  • Knowledge Acquisition:

Reading exposes you to a wealth of information and ideas, enabling you to learn about a wide range of subjects, from history to science to personal development.

  • Understanding and Interpreting Messages:

Reading involves comprehending and interpreting the author's words and ideas. This skill is essential for grasping the intended meaning and context of written content.

  • Enhanced Comprehension:

Reading requires the ability to understand complex ideas and concepts, which is transferable to comprehending and digesting information in conversations and other forms of communication. It sharpens one's ability to understand complex concepts and articulate ideas more effectively.

  • Active Engagement:

While reading, you mentally engage with the text, much like active listening in spoken communication. You focus on the content, process it, and respond to it mentally, forming your own understanding.

  • Vocabulary and Language Proficiency:

Reading helps improve your vocabulary and language skills, which are crucial for effective verbal and written communication. A rich vocabulary enhances your ability to express thoughts and ideas. A strong vocabulary is crucial for reading skill. It involves knowing the meanings of words and how they are used in various contexts. Regular reading sharpens language comprehension and fluency. It helps individuals better understand the nuances of language, making them more adept at using it in communication.

  • Critical Thinking and Analysis:

Reading encourages critical thinking and the analysis of the material, promoting the development of your ability to evaluate, question, and discuss what you've read. This analytical skill is valuable for assessing the credibility of sources, making informed arguments, and engaging in meaningful discussions. These skills are transferable to effective verbal communication.

  • Cognitive Stimulation:

Reading stimulates your brain, potentially reducing the risk of cognitive decline and boosting problem-solving abilities.

  • Cultural and Contextual Awareness:

Reading exposes you to different cultures, perspectives, and contexts. This knowledge can enhance your ability to communicate with diverse groups of people and understand their viewpoints.

  • Enhanced Focus and Concentration:

Reading requires sustained attention, which can improve your overall focus and concentration in various areas of life.

  • Stress Reduction:

Engaging with a good book can be a relaxing and immersive experience, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being.

  • Empathy and Perspective-Taking:

Reading literature and diverse texts fosters empathy and the ability to see the world from different perspectives. This enhances interpersonal communication by improving one's understanding of others' viewpoints. It can enhance your ability to understand and empathize with different perspectives and people.

  • Better Writing Skills:

Exposure to well-written text can improve your own writing by providing examples of structure, style, and grammar.

  • Entertainment and Escape:

Books provide a form of entertainment and a means to escape from reality, enabling you to explore new worlds and experiences.

  • Self-Improvement:

Self-help and personal development books offer insights and strategies for self-improvement in various areas of life.

  • Creativity Boost:

Reading can ignite your imagination and creativity, inspiring you to think creatively.

  • Better Sleep:

Establishing a reading routine before bedtime can lead to improved sleep quality.

  • Social Connection:

Discussing books and literature with others fosters social connections and meaningful conversations.

  • Economic Benefits:

Improved reading skills can lead to better job opportunities and income potential.

  • Clear Expression:

Reading well-written material models effective communication. Individuals who read regularly tend to develop clearer, more articulate, and coherent communication skills.

  • Discussion and Debate:

Reading provides a wealth of topics for discussion and debate. Engaging in such conversations improves one's ability to express opinions and ideas persuasively.


In summary, cultivating a reading habit enhances communication skills by improving vocabulary, language proficiency, comprehension, critical thinking, empathy, and overall communication effectiveness. It equips individuals with the tools needed to convey ideas and information clearly and meaningfully in various forms of communication. Reading is a foundational communication skill because it enables you to understand, process, and respond to written information, which is a vital part of effective communication in both written and spoken forms.