What is communication?

Communication is the act of conveying information, thoughts, ideas, or emotions from one person or entity to another through various methods such as spoken or written language, gestures, body language, or other forms of expression.


9/25/20232 min read

What is communication?
What is communication?

What is communication?

Communication is the process of sharing information, thoughts, ideas, or feelings between individuals or groups. It can take various forms, including spoken or written language, gestures, body language, and non-verbal cues, and it plays a crucial role in human interaction and the exchange of knowledge and emotions. Effective communication is essential for understanding, cooperation, and building relationships.

Definition of communication.

Communication is the act of conveying information, thoughts, ideas, or emotions from one person or entity to another through various methods such as spoken or written language, gestures, body language, or other forms of expression. It serves as a fundamental means of sharing and understanding between individuals or groups, facilitating interaction and the exchange of knowledge and feelings.

Experts in communication offer various definitions, reflecting the multidimensional nature of the concept. Here are a few expert definitions:

  • According to Shannon and Weaver's model: "Communication is the process by which one mind may affect another, through the transmission of a message."

  • Communication scholar James C. McCroskey defines it as: "The process of creating and sharing meaning through the use of symbols."

  • Joseph A. DeVito, a communication theorist, states: "Communication is the exchange of messages, verbal and non-verbal, through signals or writing."

  • Watzlawick, Beavin, and Jackson propose: "Communication is the sending and receiving of messages that are distorted by the sender's and receiver's personal filters."

These definitions emphasize that communication involves the exchange of messages or information, often through symbols or language, with the goal of creating shared meaning between individuals or groups.

Types of Communication.

There are two types of communication.

  1. Non-verbal.

  2. Verbal.

Tools of Communication.

“Tools of communication" refer to the various methods and instruments used to convey information, ideas, or messages from one individual or entity to another. These tools can encompass a wide range of means and technologies, including spoken language, written text, visual aids, digital platforms, and more. The specific tools chosen for communication depend on the nature of the message, the audience, and the desired mode of expression.

Levels of Communication.

Communication can occur at various levels, and these levels are often categorized based on the depth and complexity of the interaction. Here are some commonly recognized levels of communication:

  • Intrapersonal Communication.

  • Interpersonal Communication.

  • Group Communication.

  • Mass Communication.